I am a doula, perinatal educator and I support breastfeeding.

I have lived in Kitchener, Canada, since 2017, with my partner and our two wonderful children, who were born at home and showed me that I can do and be whatever I want.

In Brazil, I graduated in Nursing from the University of Brasília and specialized in Public Health from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. I worked for almost 10 years in the Ministry of Health, and in other spheres of the government. Involved in public policies related to women's health, pregnancy and childbirth.

I also lived incredible experiences in the movement for humanized childbirth, which were decisive for my career and militancy. With the social and political changes that took place in Brazil, and especially after my first pregnancy, I left public office and came to Canada.

I attended college in Health Office Administration, to continue working in the health area, and I rescued the old desire to get involved in the intimate universe of midwifery, to be close to those who live this experience.

In 2021, I invested in a doula training and a breastfeeding support course, and started to attend. Watching my first birth as a doula, I felt so proud of that woman and so honoured to be part of her childbirth experience, that I was absolutely sure what I wanted to do from there.

Today, in addition to fighting for the autonomy and protagonism of women and pregnant people at the time of childbirth, so that they can decide about their own body and the way they want to give birth, I work on the preparation for childbirth and postpartum period and supporting breastfeeding.

All this, of course, is the way I believe: with humanization, respect for freedom of choice, acceptance and empathy. 

For a gentle
